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Video Production

We provide quality Video and Television production and advertising to many local and national clients. We specialize in communication, and working with our friendly and supportive team, will help make your production decisions simple. From complete television productions to Web videos, we will take your vision and use our experience to produce a successful product that helps you achieve your goals.


Abstract Vision photographs a wide variety of events, meetings, conventions, tradeshows and corporate outings throughout the country. Our professional photographers have experience in a variety of different types of event photography. We offer some of the most experienced event photographers and reliable event photography at the best prices. To add further value, we also offer a variety of other business and corporate photographs whether at your business or at the event site.

Our experienced event photography staff understands that simply taking great event and convention photos is sometimes not enough. Your business needs to stand out. You want it to be memorable for long after the convention or meeting.

Post- Production Services

Abstract Vision is truly a full-service production company. We pride ourselves on our ability to facilitate every phase of production and post-production in-house with minimal need for third-party contractors. Some of our services includes:

Video Editing

Abstract Vision offer a unique product that is fully customized to meet your specific business needs. Whether you are interested in having us shoot your very own video content or you want us to create a new piece incorporating existing video footage, we can customize a video solution that is right for you. In addition, we are experts in re-purposing video content for multiple uses, which will save you a lot of time and money.


So you shot on NTSC DVCPro, but your post house in London is working in PAL. Or maybe your newly finished program on HDCAM (1080i/59.94) was just picked up to air in Hong Kong. We all dream of a post-production future where the entire planet can agree on one standardized tape format, line rate and frame rate. But until that day, you’ve got us to accomplish the various types of conversions to meet your production needs. We can get you out of that sticky situation. At MA Productions, standards conversions (converting from NTSC to PAL and vice versa) are a daily task for our highly trained staff. We offer a smooth, motion-compensated conversion for both standard and high definition material